Discoveries around Didim in Turkey 2023

We had one more day in Didim without having to go any further. Didim is very touristy, but there are lots of sights all around. We drove to Beşparmak Dağları, which was once an ancient city. On to the ruins of the famous ancient city of Miletus and back to Didim to the Apollon Temple.

Didim to Denizli – Pamukkale

After our short stay, we finally headed back to Ankara. However, there was one more important stop on the return journey: the world-famous Pamukkale. Pamukkale in particular was once again an ancient city. However, most people know it as the famous white terraces formed by the calcium carbonate-containing water.

Dalyan to Didim

We started this day by looking for a market. Unfortunately, there was only one vegetable market, but the prices were very low. On the way to Didim, we visited some other ruined cities, some of which were quite well preserved and where excavations were taking place.

Demre to Dalyan

This day had some bad and rainy weather. However, this did not stop us from continuing with our visit programme. We first visited a completely neglected World Heritage Site and then some more ruins. Finally, we arrived a little south of Dalyan and drove to a beach that was bought by a leading AKP politician and will probably be built up soon.

Around Demre

On this day we decided to stay one more night in Demre. This place is again a bit more remote than all the tourist places before. First we visited the church of St. Nicholas, a person I think everyone in the western world knows. Afterwards, we went to an old amphitheatre right in Demre as part of an ancient city. After that, we went a little further into the mountains to an area of ruins with countless sarcophagi, finally completely abandoned.

Antalya to Demre

Antalya was quite an uncomfortable city with an extremely ugly beach and full of buildings. The cost of everything was easily three times what we had before. However, the accommodation was again extremely cheap with maybe around 30€ for an apartment with two rooms. This again saves a lot and was ultimately the reason to stop there. The next day we continued towards Demre. We wanted to see the flames at Mount Chimaera, but some highwaymen wanted money, so we didn’t go. In the end, we could have gone there from another direction. Overall, everything near Antalya and Olympos was extremely touristy and expensive. Later we drove then at Demre still something inland, because there again a famous old city was the free and ultimately only visited by us.

Anamur to Antalya

The journey continued from Anamur in the direction of Antalya. First we visited an old town on the coast near Anamur. The ruins of the city were eaten up quite dramatically by the sea and it was quite clear how it was here 3000 years ago. The entrance fee here was only 2€ and there was no one else on the huge site. Later we were to pay over 20€ for quite pointless stuff. We stopped briefly to have lunch. There was fresh grilled fish and rice. The ride continued at ruins at a small bay. Here someone must have built a villa 2000 years ago which is still clearly recognizable today. Near Antalya we visited another ruined city on a mountain.