2016 China – Day 6 – Dalian

Dalian, located in northeastern China, has a rich history dating back to the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century. Originally a small fishing village, it gradually grew in importance as a port and trading center. In the 19th century, the Chinese government leased Dalian to Russia, and it became a major industrial and commercial center under Russian rule.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Dalian was a major center for foreign trade and investment. It was also a hub for the import and export of goods between China and other countries. The city was known for its bustling markets and shops, which sold a wide variety of goods from all over the world.

In the early 20th century, Dalian was occupied by Japan, which further developed the city’s infrastructure and economy. After World War II, Dalian was returned to China and became a major industrial center under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.

During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) much of the city’s historical buildings and cultural heritage were destroyed or neglected. But, with the start of the economic reforms in 1978, Dalian began to see a resurgence in its economy and culture.

In the 1990s and 2000s, Dalian experienced significant urban development and modernization. The city’s economy boomed, and it became a major center for high-tech industries, shipping, and tourism. The city’s population also grew, and it became a cosmopolitan metropolis with a diverse population.

Today, Dalian is a major economic and cultural center for northeastern China, known for its beautiful beaches, scenic mountains, and unique culture. The city’s history and its various influences from Chinese, Russian, and Japanese cultures have left a significant impact on the city and its people, making it a fascinating destination for both tourists and history buffs.

The city has several museums and historical sites, such as the Dalian Museum, the Dalian Modern Museum, and the Dalian Jinshitan National Geopark, that showcase the history of the city. The city is also a major transportation hub, connecting it to other parts of China and the world.